URL Submission FAQs
Q1: What is the URL submission process for PY2025?
- Once an issuer submits initial plan information to the Marketplace Plan Management System (MPMS) Module for PY2025, they will be able to submit PY2025 URLs in the MPMS Module. In order for an issuer's information to be accessible in the MPMS Module, they must have at least one valid PY2025 Plans & Benefits Template submitted to HIOS or transferred via SERFF.
For initial URL submission for PY2025, download the pre-populated template directly from MPMS Module. Information on URL submission can be found on the QHP certification website.
Issuers should submit URLs in the MPMS Module by September 18, 2024. CMS expects URLs to be active and directly route the user to the appropriate document by September 18, 2024, with the exception of payment URLs. Issuers are strongly encouraged to test their data, including URLs, through Plan Preview.
Q2: How do issuers submit URLs for off-exchange plans?
- Please submit URLs for off-exchange plans to the Rates and Benefit Information System (RBIS) using the URL template present in the RBIS module. For more information, please see the Health Insurance Oversight System Rate & Benefits Information System User Manual.
Q3: When will URLs refresh throughout the year?
- Throughout the application submission windows, Open Enrollment, and the coverage year, CMS will refresh URL data on HealthCare.gov on an iterative basis through the standard plan data submission and data refresh processes and schedule; URLs will not update automatically upon submission to the Marketplace Plan Management System (MPMS).
Changes will be visible in Plan Preview approximately 30 minutes after submission to the MPMS.
Changes submitted into SERFF will usually appear in Plan Preview within 24 hours after data is successfully transferred by the state to MPMS.
Q4: What are the stand-alone dental plan (SADP) URL requirements for PY2025?
- For the URL submission process for SADP issuers:
- Network URLs are required for all URL IDs.
- One Transparency in Coverage URL is required per issuer.
SBC URLs are optional, but encouraged for SADP issuers in PY2025.
Please use https://cms-provider-directory.uservoice.com to submit technical questions about the machine-readable files, and review the knowledge base to see frequently asked questions and answers, as well as links to online resources.
Q5: How do issuers submit a machine-readable index URL?
- Machine-readable URLs are submitted in the Issuer Details section of the Marketplace Plan Management System (MPMS) Module. The Marketplace Plan Management System Issuer User Guide provides instructions on how to use the Issuer Details section of the MPMS Module. Issuers can also reference the Machine-Readable Data Issuer Guide for technical information about machine-readable data.
Returning issuers will have machine-readable information from the previous year preloaded into the MPMS Module and will need to log into the MPMS Module to confirm or update their information.
New issuers will need to log into the MPMS Module and submit their machine-readable information in the MPMS Module.
For more information about the Machine Readable Validator Tool and the technical requirements for the JSON files, please use https://cms-provider-directory.uservoice.com or send an email to marketplace-api@cms-provider-directory.uservoice.com to submit technical questions about the machine-readable files
Issuers can review the Coverage Portal to see frequently asked questions and answers, as well as links to online resources.
Q6: Do I need to submit more than a single machine-readable index URL?
- No, only one machine-readable index URL should be submitted. This index URL is a directory that points to plans files, provider files, and drugs/formulary files.
For more information regarding machine-readable data files, please see the Machine-Readable Data Issuer Guide available on the QHP certification website.