Application Materials

The sections listed below and contained within this portion of the QHP certification website comprise a QHP Application and guide you through the application process. Each section may include one or more templates, instructions, and supporting documentation.

Application Guidance

  1. Key Changes for PY2025
  2. Application Instructions
  3. Data Validation
  4. Review Tools
  5. Application Submission

Application Sections

  1. Accreditation
  2. Administrative
  3. Business Rules
  4. Essential Community Providers (ECP)
  5. Interoperability
  6. Machine-Readable Data
  7. Network Adequacy
  8. Network ID
  9. Plan ID Crosswalk
  10. Plans and Benefits
  11. Prescription Drugs
  12. Program Attestations
  13. Quality Improvement
  14. Quality Rating
  15. Rates
  16. Service Area
  17. Transparency in Coverage
  18. Unified Rate Review
  19. URLs
Use the QHP Certification Issuer Toolkit located on the Application Submission page to ensure the application is completed and submitted correctly.