All issuers are required to provide administrative information within the Health Insurance Oversight System (HIOS). Administrative information that displays on is pulled from the Marketplace General Information Fields in the HIOS Plan Finder Module, and issuers are responsible for updating this information, and ensuring it is correct.
Information on updating these fields can be found in Section 3.2 of the HIOS Plan Finder – Issuer User Manual. Please note that issuers must have a HIOS Issuer Submitter role in order to make changes.
Key Changes for PY2025:
- No changes for the 2025 QHP Application.
Tips for the Administrative Section
- Issuers will review the Administrative data within the Marketplace Plan Management System (MPMS) to determine if required fields are missing.
- Ensure the individual managing the issuer’s Administrative data has the Submitter role in HIOS.
- Ensure the Issuer Marketplace Information fields in HIOS are completed (not the Issuer General Information fields).