
All issuers in FFE states must complete the accreditation attestations in the QHP Application and authorize the release of their accreditation survey data from the accrediting entity, if applicable. Issuers in states performing plan management functions and SBE-FPs should comply with the requirements specified by their state.

Key Changes for PY2025:

  • No changes for the 2025 QHP Application.

Tips for the Accreditation Section

  • Only provide information on accredited products in the same state and for the same legal entity that submits the QHP Application.
  • Provide accrediting entities with the legal issuer name and the HIOS Issuer ID used in the QHP Application to ensure the HIOS Issuer ID is included in the data file the accrediting entity provides to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Application Resources