URL Submission

CMS requires issuers to submit URL data for the plans they intend to offer on the Exchange. URL submissions, including updates, are collected in the HIOS MPMS Module. Issuers must submit the following URLs:

  • Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)
  • Plan Brochure
  • Payment
  • Formulary
  • Network
  • Transparency in Coverage
  • Machine-Readable & Technical POC

These URLs should lead to live, active webpages that contain accurate issuer marketing information for consumers by the deadlines communicated in the table below. CMS reviews the information provided at each URL to ensure there are no inaccuracies in issuer marketing material when compared to data within an issuer’s submitted QHP Application. CMS also checks that issuers meet provider directory accessibility standards when a network URL is selected. Throughout Open Enrollment and the coverage year, CMS will refresh URL data on HealthCare.gov on an iterative basis; the relevant issuers and states will be notified once URL data is refreshed and available to consumers.

URL Submission Systems and Deadlines

The table below outlines where each URL should be submitted, when the URL should be submitted, and when the data at those URLs should be live and active for plan year (PY) 2025.

URL Submission Systems and Deadlines

URL Type

Submission Location

Submission Deadline

Live and Active Deadline

Transparency in Coverage

Transparency in Coverage section of MPMS

June 12, 2024*

Upon URL Submission

SBC, Plan Brochure, Payment, Formulary, Network

URLs section of MPMS

September 18, 2024

September 18, 2024

Machine-Readable Index.JSON

Issuer Details of MPMS

September 18, 2024

September 18, 2024

*If you choose to submit a QHP Application by the Early Bird deadline, Transparency in Coverage URLs are required by the Early Bird submission deadline, 5/15/24.

Key Changes for PY2025:

  • No changes for the 2025 QHP Application.

Tips for the URL Collection Section

  • Verify that URLs are functional before submission. 
  • All URLs submitted via the MPMS (SBC, Plan Brochure, Payment, Network, Formulary) should be submitted by September 18, 2024. All URLs must be active and directly route consumers to the appropriate document by the deadline for returning signed QHP Certification Agreements.
  • Please note that the URL requirements described here apply only to on-Exchange plans; URLS for off-Exchange plans should still be submitted to the Rate & Benefits Information System (RBIS).
  • All QHP SBC URL submissions must end with “.PDF” to ensure that the SBC URL leads directly to an SBC form.
  • Payment URLs are tested in a separate environment/outside of MPMS.

SBC Instructions and Template 

Authorized for use for plan or policy years that begin on or after January 1, 2021.

Issuers offering health insurance coverage on the Exchange must provide applicants, enrollees, and policyholders with an accurate Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC). Issuers are required to provide the SBC in a manner compliant with the standards set forth in 45 CFR 147.200, which implements section 2715 of the Public Health Service Act, as added by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Specifically, issuers must fully comply with the requirements of § 147.200(a)(3), which requires issuers to “provide an SBC in the form, and in accordance with the instructions for completing the SBC, that are specified by the Secretary in guidance.” Instructions for completing the SBC are below.
Please refer to the Summary of Benefits and Coverage and Uniform Glossary section of the CCIIO website for additional information, including the approved SBC Template for issuers to use when completing their SBCs. Additional regulatory guidance related to SBCs can be found in the Final 2025 Letter to Issuers.

Application Resources

  • Instructions
  • Template
    • Issuers, including issuers in FFE states, states performing plan management functions, and SBE-FPs, are strongly encouraged to generate and download the URL Template directly from the HIOS MPMS Module, and must submit URL data in the HIOS MPMS Module.
    • PY2025 URL Template (Updated 8/2/24)