QHP Certification (Other) FAQs


Q1:When can an issuer begin marketing their certified QHPs?
  • Nothing in federal standards prohibit issuers from marketing their certified QHPs for the next coverage year after receiving their countersigned QHP agreement. 
Q2: Do issuers in states transitioning their Exchange to a State-based Exchange (SBE) have to complete the MPMS Module in the Health Insurance and Oversight System (HIOS) for QHP certification? 
  • Issuers in states that have not completed their transition to SBE should continue to submit QHP Application data for the next plan year through their current submission system, either the Health Information Oversight System (HIOS) or the System for Electronic Rates & Forms Filing (SERFF) per the timeline and requirements for states provided in the Letter to Issuers in the Federally-facilitated Exchanges. Consult with your state if you have additional questions.
Q3: Which QHP certification review results should an issuer see in the PM Community?
  • A full list of all QHP certification review results and the Exchange type(s) for which these results are shared is available on the QHP Application Review Results page of the QHP certification website.