Network ID FAQs
Q1: If an issuer has different networks for dental and medical, should both be submitted?
- Yes, issuers should submit all networks. Each QHP must be associated with a single network ID. In other words, if an issuer offers both medical QHPs and SADPs, the issuer must create separate network IDs for medical and dental plans.
If an issuer has dental and medical networks for a QHP offering two types of benefits, provider data for both networks should be included on the issuer's NA Template. An issuer offering embedded dental benefits should also include its dental providers within the NA Template.
For ECP purposes, a medical QHP issuer offering embedded dental benefits should not include its dental ECP providers when completing the ECP section in the MPMS module, or on the ECP tab of the NA Template (for issuers in State-based Exchanges (SBE) submitting through SERFF), as there is no separate major dental ECP category for medical QHP issuers. Only stand-alone dental plan (SADP) issuers should include ECPs that provide dental services (e.g., FQHCs, RHCs, IHPs).