Rates FAQs
Q1: What steps should an issuer take to correct rates that are not displayed correctly in Plan Preview?
- The issuer should take the following steps if it determines that incorrect rates are displayed in Plan Preview:
- Compare the effective date entered for the scenario to the rate effective date on the Rates Table Template.
- Confirm that the birthdate entered produces the correct age based on the coverage effective date and the plan’s age determination rule entered in the Business Rules Template.
- If the enrollment group has a spouse or life partner, confirm that spouse or life partner is an allowed relationship on the Business Rules Template.
- Confirm tobacco status of each subscriber and dependent.
The information above can be found in the Rates Table Template and the Business Rules Template.
If, after reviewing the above information, the user determines that the rate is still displaying incorrectly, please contact the Marketplace Service Desk (MSD) at CMS_FEPS@cms.hhs.gov.