Plan Crosswalk FAQs
Q1: Is State authorization required for Plan ID Crosswalk for the PY2025 QHP certification process?
- Yes. State authorization is required to accompany the Plan ID Crosswalk Template. Issuers can satisfy this requirement with a completed Plan ID Crosswalk State Authorization Form, or submit a PDF of your state's emailed approval to meet this requirement. If you use a format other than the State Authorization Form, please be sure to include all information pertinent to the state's authorization of the crosswalk.
CMS will post the State Authorization for the Plan ID Crosswalk Template on the QHP certification website as soon as it is available. Email announcements will be sent to issuers as new documents or updates are available.
Please note that the State Authorization Form is due to CMS by the end of the initial submission window. For example, issuers submitting for the Early Bird review are not required to submit the State Authorization Form for plan ID crosswalk as part of their Early Bird submission. Any subsequent submissions of an issuer's Plan ID Crosswalk Template should include an updated State Authorization Form.
Issuers should provide evidence of state authorization through the Marketplace Plan Management System (MPMS). To submit your State Authorization Form in MPMS, the user will need to open their existing application in the "QHP Applications" tab and click "Edit" in the "Plan ID Crosswalk" section. Under "State Authorization", click "Add document" and select the correct document type. Upload your State Authorization Form and click "Upload", followed by "Save" or "Save and Complete".
Q2: If an issuer plans to automatically re-enroll enrollees into a plan with the same past and future year Plan ID during the annual batch automatic re-enrollment process, must the issuer still complete the Plan ID Crosswalk Template?
- Yes, Individual Market issuers must still complete the Plan ID Crosswalk Template, even if all of the issuer’s plan IDs remain the same. Specifically, all issuers that offered Individual Market QHPs or SADPs in the previous plan year through an FFE or SBE-FP need to complete the Plan ID Crosswalk Template in order for the federal platform to perform automatic re-enrollments. Please see the Plan ID Crosswalk Template Instructions available on the QHP certification website for more information.
Q3: By what date are issuers required to submit the Plan ID Crosswalk Template?
- Issuers are required to submit an initial version of the Plan ID Crosswalk Template no later than the initial submission deadline on June 12, 2024. Issuers may also resubmit revised versions of the template up until the issuer plan confirmation/crosswalk deadline on August 21, 2024.