Plan Crosswalk FAQs

Q1: Is a Plan ID Crosswalk State Authorization Form required for the PY2024 QHP certification process?

  • State authorization is required to accompany users Plan ID Crosswalk Template. However, the Plan ID Crosswalk State Authorization Form is an optional form used to assist states and issuers in submitting state approval. Issuers may decide to submit a PDF of your state's email to meet this requirement as well. Please be sure to include all information pertinent to the state's authorization of the crosswalk.

    CMS will post the State Authorization for the Plan ID Crosswalk Template on the QHP certification website as soon as it is available. Email announcements will be sent to issuers as new documents or updates are available.

    Please note that issuers submitting for the Early Bird review are not required to submit the State Authorization Form for plan ID crosswalk. The State Authorization Form is due to CMS at the end of the initial submission window.

    Issuers should provide evidence of state authorization through the Plan Management (PM) Community. To submit your State Authorization Form in the PM Community, the user will need to create a new submission. Please log into the PM Community, navigate to the “Plan ID Crosswalk Submission” tab, and click “New.” Enter the issuer ID in the search bar and click on the correct issuer ID and plan year combination; then click “Next.” Upload your State Authorization Form. Once all files are uploaded, click “Save.” Then click “Submit Templates” on the Plan ID Crosswalk Submission page to finalize your submission.
Q2: If an issuer automatically re-enrolls enrollees into a plan with the same Plan ID during the annual batch auto-renewal process, must the issuer still complete the Plan ID Crosswalk Template?
  • Yes, Individual Market issuers must still complete the Plan ID Crosswalk Template, even if all of the issuer’s plan IDs remain the same. Specifically, all issuers that offered Individual Market QHPs or SADPs in the previous plan year through an FFE or SBE-FP need to complete the Plan ID Crosswalk Template in order for the federal platform to perform automatic re-enrollments. Please see the Plan ID Crosswalk Template Instructions available on the QHP certification website for more information.
Q3: By what date are issuers required to submit the Plan ID Crosswalk Template? 
  • Issuers are required to submit an initial version of the Plan ID Crosswalk Template no later than the initial submission deadline on June 14, 2023. Issuers may also resubmit revised versions of the template up until the final submission deadline on August 16, 2023.