Plan Management Community

All issuers participate in the Plan Management (PM) Community to receive QHP Application notices and other communications from CMS. Issuers also perform a number of QHP certification activities through the PM Community, including:

  • Managing contacts at the parent organization level;
  • Viewing issuer- and plan-level data;
  • Viewing required corrections for certain review areas;
  • Accessing files from CMS, such as countersigned QHP Agreements;
  • Completing plan confirmation;
  • Remediating identified plan display errors, if applicable;
  • Completing data change requests, if applicable; and
  • Completing the QHP withdrawal form, if applicable.

Issuers access the PM Community through the Salesforce Enterprise Integration (SEI) Portal.

Issuers that need instructions on how to request access to the PM Community should contact the Marketplace Service Desk (MSD) at

  • Note that issuer participation is at the parent organization level, and users who have access to the PM Community can view data and take action on behalf of all issuers in their organization.

If issuers have questions about the PM Community, they should:

  • Email the MSD at or call 1-855-CMS-1515, or
  • Contact their Account Manager, who may also be able to assist with non-technical questions.