Submission Systems

The system issuers use to submit the majority of their QHP Application materials depends on their state’s Exchange model. 

Health Insurance Oversight System (HIOS)

HIOS is the system that aggregates QHP Application data. Issuers in Federally-facilitated Exchange (FFE) states submit the majority of their QHP Application materials through HIOS; issuers in states performing plan management functions and State-based Exchanges on the Federal Platform (SBE-FP) submit a subset of materials directly in HIOS, and also submit the groups of their QHP Application via the HIOS MPMS Module. See the HIOS Quick Reference Guide and HIOS Portal User Manual for information on how to register for and use HIOS. Review the QHP Certification Issuer Toolkit for additional details on which submission systems issuers use to submit each component of the QHP Application.

HIOS Modules

Issuers submit parts of their QHP Application(s) in the following HIOS Modules; reference the corresponding user guides for technical assistance throughout QHP certification.

System for Electronic Rates & Forms Filing (SERFF)

Issuers in states performing plan management functions and in SBE-FPs submit the majority of their QHP Application materials through SERFF, for transfer to the MPMS Module, where the application will be submitted to CMS. Issuers in these states must contact their state for any additional application requirements, and should follow state guidance on the timeline and process for application submission. Current SERFF users can access the plan management functionality at the following site, using their existing ID and password.

States not enforcing market-wide reforms (currently TX, OK, WY, & MO) must submit form filings into SERFF for CMS review. Additionally, rate filings in all states (except OK, WY, & FL as mentioned above in the Unified Rate Review System description) must be submitted through the URRT tab in SERFF.

Questions about SERFF can be submitted to the SERFF Help Desk at For information about state systems, contact the state directly.